
Effective Strategies for Minimizing Machine Translation Errors

In an age where communication knows no borders, machine translation has become very important for bridging linguistic divides. By automating the translation process, machine translation has made it much easier to communicate across languages. However, despite its many advantages and conveniences, MT is far from perfect. Even the most advanced algorithms can produce errors that may distort the meaning and accuracy of a translated document. This is why minimizing MT errors is crucial, especially in industries where precision and clarity are paramount. In this article, we'll explore innovative strategies and best practices for minimizing errors in MT and ensuring that you get the best out of your machine.

Understanding Machine Translation Errors:

Here are some of the common machine translation errors

Morphological errors happen when the structure of grammar is flawed or misinterpreted. Morphology refers to the structure of words and how they are formed and congregated.

Semantic errors are another way of saying “logic error,” where the wrong translation is written.

Lexical errors happen when the order of words doesn’t follow the prescribed pattern, like when some words are added or taken away.

Syntax errors are when the way words and phrases are put together to form sentences that don’t make any sense. The syntax is essentially the arrangement of words to create well-formed sentences in a language.

Orthographic errors occur when the machine unauthorizedly corrects a misspelled word from the source text. Included in this type of error are mishaps in punctuation and capitalization.

To know more about the common MT errors and what causes them, check out the previous article we wrote via this link.

Best Practices for Minimizing Machine Translation Errors

As industries continue to expand globally, machine translation (MT) has become a buzzword in the world of translation. While MT systems are incredibly efficient in handling large amounts of text, they can still definitely produce errors that can harm the quality of the final output. But, fear not! Here are a few best practices that can be employed to minimize errors in MT output. Let's take a look at some of these practices.

1. Use Parallel Texts for Training:

Parallel texts are the vitamins for MT systems. These texts provide a direct comparison between the source and target languages, which help MT systems learn how to accurately translate text. When using parallel texts, it is important to ensure that the texts are of high quality, cover a range of domains and topics, and are free of errors.

2. Utilize Quality Assurance Tools:

Quality assurance (QA) tools are essential for identifying errors in MT output, such as mistranslations, omissions, and inconsistencies. These tools can also help identify areas where MT systems struggle, such as idiomatic expressions or specialized terminology. QA tools can provide feedback on the overall quality of the translation and help improve the system's accuracy.

3. Incorporate Human Translators:

Human translators can provide valuable feedback on MT output, identify errors that may not be caught by QA tools, and improve the overall quality of the translation. They can also provide feedback on specific phrases or terms that are frequently mistranslated. The use of human translators in MT systems is called "human-in-the-loop" and is becoming increasingly popular.

4. Implement Post-Editing:

Post-editing is the process of reviewing and editing MT output to correct errors and improve the overall quality of the translation. Post-editing can be done by linguists and editors who specialize in post-editing MT output. It’s very useful for content that requires a high level of accuracy, such as legal or medical documents.

By following these best practices, you can reduce errors and heavily improve the overall quality of your content to create accurate translations. With the combination of these practices and emerging technology, MT systems will continue to get better and contribute significantly to the world of translation.

Extra Tips for Working with Machine Translation

Whether you're a freelance translator, a business owner, or a student studying a foreign language, there are a few things to keep in mind when working with machine translation software to ensure you get the best results possible.

1. Choosing the Right Machine Translation Engine

When it comes to machine translation, not all engines are created equal. Choosing the wrong MT engine can lead to inaccurate translations, which could be costly and embarrassing. That's why it's important to do your research and find the right MT engine for your needs.

For general use, popular options like Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and DeepL are readily available and free to use. For more specialized translations like Healthcare and Legal matters, this requires a more mindful decision as each engine excels at different fields. To know how the popular MT engines perform for each field, check out Intento’s thorough evaluation in The State of Machine Translation 2022.

2. Selecting the Right Data for Training

To make sure your machine translation software delivers top-notch translations, it needs to have access to the right kind of data. If you're using it for a specific industry, it's essential to provide the software with industry-specific data to get the best results. For instance, if you're translating legal documents, the software needs legal texts in both the source and target languages.

But wait, there's more! The quality of the data is equally important. Using poorly written or grammatically incorrect texts can negatively impact the accuracy of the translation. By providing high-quality data that is stylistically consistent, you'll give the software the tools it needs to perform at its best. So, make sure to provide your machine translation software with the right kind of data, and watch it work its magic!

3. Adjusting Machine Translation Output Based on Context

When it comes to machine translation software, accuracy isn't always guaranteed. Sometimes, idiomatic expressions, cultural references, and technical jargon can throw the software off course. But don't worry, there are ways to fine-tune the software and improve the accuracy of the translations.

One approach is to adjust the software settings based on the context of the text. This means tweaking the settings to prioritize certain words or phrases based on the specific industry or subject matter. For instance, if you're translating a technical document, you might need to adjust the software to prioritize technical jargon over everyday words.

Another way to boost accuracy is by providing the software with more context. You can do this by including additional information, like notes or reference materials, when translating a document. This gives the software a better understanding of the intended meaning behind the text and can lead to more accurate translations.

So, if you're using machine translation software, don't settle for subpar translations. Take control and make adjustments to fine-tune the software for your specific needs.

Booking.com: Off to the Races with MT

One example of a company that succeeded in implementing strategies for addressing machine translation errors is Booking.com. According to an article published on the Booking.com blog, the company implemented several strategies to improve the quality of its machine translation, including:

  1. Developing specialized domain models: Booking.com created translation models for specific travel-related domains, such as hotels, apartments, and flights. These models are trained on large amounts of data specific to each domain, which improves the accuracy of the translations.

  2. Using advanced algorithms: The company uses advanced algorithms to identify and correct errors in its translations. For example, the algorithms can detect and correct grammatical errors, incorrect verb tenses, and other common errors.

  3. Human-in-the-loop translation: Booking.com employs a team of professional translators who review and edit translations generated by the machine translation system. This helps ensure that the translations are accurate and consistent.

  4. Quality assurance processes: The company has a rigorous quality assurance process in place to ensure that translations are accurate and meet the company's high standards.

These strategies have helped Booking.com improve the accuracy of its machine translation system and provide a better experience for its customers. To know more about how they evaluated this technology on their websites, consider reading Machine Translation at Booking.com: Journey and Lessons Learned.

In conclusion, it's clear that machine translation has revolutionized the way businesses communicate with their global customers. However, like all technology, machine translation is not without its flaws, and the risk of error can lead to confusion and frustration.

But don't let that scare you! The good news is that companies can overcome these challenges by implementing smart strategies to address machine translation errors. The story of Booking.com shows us that with the right combination of domain-specific models, human oversight, quality assurance processes, and continuous improvement, the accuracy of machine translation can be significantly improved.

As businesses continue to expand overseas and connect with customers from different parts of the world, embracing these strategies becomes essential. The success of your global business may depend on it!

In the end, it all comes down to providing an authentic, personalized, and seamless customer experience, no matter the language. By investing in these strategies, you can ensure that your messages resonate with your customers, building strong relationships and driving growth in the global marketplace. So go ahead, take the leap, and embrace the power of machine translation. Your customers will thank you for it!