
A New Era in Arabic Digital Communication: Abu Dhabi’s Groundbreaking AI Large Language Model

Arabic is among the world’s most widely spoken languages, with a vast and diverse community of over 420 million native speakers across the Middle East, North Africa, and various diaspora communities. However, because most large language models are centered around the English language, translating Arabic to English or another language has been challenging. Its complex scripts, dialectal variations, and intricate grammar present formidable obstacles for AI systems seeking to understand and communicate effectively in Arabic. 

The contextual nature of Arabic words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions can be complicated for AI to understand. The lack of attention to this language has resulted in a scarcity of language resources and tools tailored to its unique characteristics.

However, Abu Dhabi’s recent unveiling of Jais, an AI large language model that is explicitly tailored for the Arabic language, represents a significant step towards bridging this linguistic gap and ushering in a new era for Arabic digital communication.

Today, we will discuss how large language models like Jais can pave the way to create a more effective means of communication by centering the large language models around a non-English language.

A Closer Look on G42’s AI Initiative

Group 42 Holding Ltd (G42) is a technology holding company located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. As a tech-oriented company, they primarily focus on AI innovations. In partnership with Cerebras, G42 launched Jais and Jais Chat. This new technology can possibly spearhead a new era for Abu Dhabi’s AI initiative in the language sector as it can create high-quality Arabic text that includes regional dialects. Besides translation, it can perform tasks like question-answering, summarization, generating content, and more.

Jais is trained with a deep understanding of Arabic culture and context. It can handle culturally specific references, historical allusions, and idiomatic expressions, making it highly relevant for Arabic-speaking users. It strongly emphasizes incorporating localized knowledge and datasets, enabling the model to provide information and recommendations that are regionally relevant and contextually accurate.

How Does Jais Stack Up Against Other Large Language Models?

Some have claimed that Jais Chat is the Arabic alternative to OpenAI’s ChatGPT as it can generate Arabic content, and its model has pre-trained in over 116 billion Arabic tokens that outperform previous open Arabic-centric chatbots. Unlike ChatGPT, which is tailored for several languages, Jais is centered solely on Arabic. 

Jais’ open-source large language model specialized focus on the Arabic language allows it to excel in understanding the intricacies of the language, including dialectal variations, cultural context, and linguistic nuances. 

G42’s initiative places a strong emphasis on incorporating localized knowledge and datasets. This means that the model can provide information and recommendations that are accurate in a linguistic sense and regionally relevant, taking into account specific Arabic-speaking communities and their needs.

Potential Applications and Impacts of AI Models in the Arabic World

As Jais' groundbreaking AI large language model takes center stage, it's essential to explore the wide-ranging potential applications and profound impacts it can have on the Arabic-speaking world. We will explore these applications and how they can benefit the Arabic community and the international market. 

One of the most immediate and impactful applications of Jais is its ability to enhance machine translations for Arabic content. As mentioned, Arabic has intricate grammar and diverse dialects, which pose significant challenges for machine translation systems. However, Jais is finely tuned to understand the nuances of the Arabic language, making machine-translating content from different languages more accessible to Arabic speakers, promoting cultures at a global scale, and advancing local businesses to become more internationally competitive.

Many Arabic businesses in the Arab world can now incorporate Jais' large language model to do the following:

  1. Customer Support and Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants trained in Arabic can provide efficient customer support, respond to inquiries, and streamline customer interactions.

  2. Market Analysis: The model's sentiment analysis capabilities can help businesses gauge public opinion and market trends, enabling data-driven decision-making.

  3. Efficient Communication: Businesses can efficiently communicate with partners, customers, and employees in the Arab world, breaking down language barriers and fostering collaboration.

As an educational tool, Jais can enhance the learning experience of Arabic students and global education institutions by making information and materials more widely accessible. Education is a cornerstone of societal progress, and with many research and papers published in another language, there is a language disparity in the academe. Below are some of the ways Jais can be implemented for educational purposes:  

  1. Language Learning: AI-powered educational tools can provide personalized language learning experiences for Arabic learners and help them master the language's intricacies.

  2. Accessible Resources: It ensures that educational resources, including digital textbooks and online courses, are readily available and accessible to Arabic speakers, promoting lifelong learning.

  3. Academic Assistance: AI can assist students and researchers by offering relevant resources, summarizing academic texts, and even aiding in plagiarism detection, thereby supporting academic integrity.

Lastly, because of globalization, many languages are at risk of disappearing or becoming endangered. Large language models can be used to preserve and interpret the rich cultural heritage embedded in historical texts and present Arabic language variants. Through digitization, AI can accelerate the compiling of ancient manuscripts and historical documents, ensuring their preservation for future generations.

The model can assist historians and linguists in interpreting ancient texts, unlocking insights into the history, philosophy, and sciences of the Arab world. By making historical Arabic texts more accessible and understandable, AI contributes to the revival and appreciation of Arabic culture and intellectual contributions.

Challenges and Concerns of Using AI for Creating Arabic Content

While the development of AI models tailored for Arabic holds great promise, it also presents significant challenges and concerns that must be addressed to ensure responsible and effective use of this technology in content creation and communication. We have listed some of the potential challenges that Jais and other large language models will face when handling Arabic content, as follows: 

  1. Linguistic Diversity: Arabic is renowned for its linguistic diversity, encompassing a multitude of dialects across different regions. Each dialect carries its unique vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical structures. The challenge for AI models like Jais is to accurately understand and generate content in these various dialects and Standard Arabic.

  2. Understanding Context and Cultural References: Large language models still struggle to understand, especially Arabic, as it relies heavily on context and can’t be translated literally. This can be problematic when dealing with culturally specific references, historical allusions, and idiomatic expressions. 

  3. Propagating Biases and Misinformation:  There is still the issue of open-source large language models like Jais collecting false information and biases that could perpetuate dangerous and misleading data to users. Efforts must be made to curate training data that is as free from bias as possible.

  4. Data Privacy: Jais, like any other AI model, is subjected to scrutiny regarding how it collects data that infringes on the user’s right to privacy. Ensuring robust data privacy practices is essential to protect individuals and their information. 

  5. Cybersecurity: As an AI model, Jais is vulnerable to cyberattacks like any other technology. Adequate cybersecurity measures must be in place to safeguard both the AI model and the data it processes, especially when handling sensitive information.


Abu Dhabi’s AI initiative is a collective effort made possible only by the support of local governments, researchers, language experts, and businesses. The creation of Jais and Jais Chat can be a reference for other countries on how they can use the development and study of AI to improve their local communities and make their language and cultures more accessible to the rest of the world.

It encourages further investment in developing language models for other underrepresented languages, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in the digital age. This journey towards linguistic diversity in AI promises to reshape how the world communicates and accesses information, ultimately making the digital landscape more inclusive and equitable.